Women Deliver conference sessions
At Women Deliver 2013, Countdown presented six well-attended conference sessions. Links to slide presentations, where available, are provided below: Accountability for Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival: The 2013 Countdown to 2015 Report and Country Profiles Countdown’s 2013 accountability report, highlighting core indicators selected by the Commission for Information and Accountability,...
Keeping Promises, Measuring Results: How Are We Measuring Up?: Side event at UN General Assembly, 23 September 2012
On September 23, 2012, as the 67th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly was about to begin, Countdown to 2015 joined with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) and the independent Expert Review Group on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health (iERG) to co-sponsor...
Countdown: Major 2012 Events
In 2012, rather than holding a stand-alone, multi-day international conference, Countdown has launched its key publications and presented its most recent findings at a number of high-level events throughout the year, ensuring that a range of key international audiences were able to benefit from Countdown data and analysis: In March...
Countdown at Women Deliver 2013
28-31 May 2013Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia In 2013, Countdown chose once again to launch its latest report at the Women Deliver conference, a global gathering to focus attention and build momentum towards a better future for women and girls. Women Deliver 2013, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, brought together more than...
Civil Society Forum, 13 June 2012
On June 13, 2012, Countdown organized a half-day civil society forum at the FHI 360 Conference Center in Washington, DC in collaboration with the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) and Save the Children. The forum brought together more than 200 civil society partners from over 40 countries,...
Child Survival Call to Action, 14-15 June 2012
On June 14th and 15th, 2012, Countdown to 2015 was a featured presenter at the Child Survival Call to Action, a high-level forum hosted by the governments of the United States, India, and Ethiopia, in collaboration with UNICEF. More than 7 million children will die in 2012, most of them from...
Countdown 2008 Conference
Cape Town, South Africa 17-19 April 2008 The Countdown 2008 Conference has opened a window of opportunities for the global community to put the issues of maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) on the agenda of the highest-level of decision- and policy-makers by releasing a groundbreaking announcement on the...
Conference Objectives
To deliver on the commitment by international organizations to conduct periodic reviews on the global progress towards the achievement of high and equitable coverage with essential maternal, newborn and child survival interventions in countries; To launch an international report with the purpose of sharing the findings on barriers and solutions...
Conference Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of the Conference were to: Raise awareness and prompt action in the promotion of regular reporting of progress made in the field of maternal, newborn and child health at the country level; Make use of the Countdown 2008 Report to help promote actions in maternal, newborn and...
2010 Photo Gallery
Please find below the photo galleries from each session as they become available. The photographs in these Countdown to 2015 Sessions at Women Deliver June 2010 Washington were taken by: Samuel Herd\Women Deliver And Jacqueline Toupin\PMNCH You can find more photographs from the Women Deliver Conference at: www.womendeliver.org. Session...
Session 311 Gaining momentum for change
Moderator Dr. Ian Pett, Chief of Health Systems and Strategic Planning for Unicef Panel discussion Introduction and overview of policies and systems—the 2010 Countdown findings Elizabeth Mason, Director, Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, WHO Zambia shares lessons on policy change for scaling up Victor Munyongwe Mukonka, Director...
Session 238 Costing MNCH programs and interventions
Moderator Agnes Soucat, Advisor on Health, Nutrition and Population for Africa, The World Bank Presentations Planning and budgeting for MDG results in Ethiopia Dr. Nejmudin Kedir Bilal, Director, Policy and Planning, Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia Download Powerpoint [PDF – 1.05 MB] Modelling the costs of scaling up of MNCH...
Session 223 Trends in funding levels for MNCH
Presentations ODA for MNCH—up or down? Catherine Pitt, Research Fellow in Health Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Financial flows for family planning Stan Bernstein, Senior Policy Advisor, UNFPA Download Powerpoint [PDF – 1.4 MB] The financing gap for MNCH Peter Berman, Lead Health Economist, The World Bank...
Session 206 New research findings on MNCH—hot off the presses!
Moderator Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Presentations New evidence: session overview: child survival and nutrition interventions Betty Kirkwood, Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Download Powerpoint [PDF – 453.43 KB] New evidence: neonatal survival interventions Joy Lawn, Director Global Evidence and Policy, Saving...
Session 200 Countdown to 2015 for maternal, newborn, and child survival—the 2010 report
Presentations Welcome and introduction of speaker More than counting numbers Anthony Lake, Executive Director, UNICEF Countdown to 2015 . . . monitoring progress & advocating for solutions Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Professor & Founding Chair, Women and Child Health Division, Aga Khan University, Pakistan, and Co-chair of 2010 Countdown Group Download...
Session 136 Community approaches for increasing coverage of child health interventions: Malawi puts evidence to practice
Moderator Dr E.H. Benzerroug, WHO Representative, Mozambique Presentations A brief introduction to community-based approaches to care for newborns and children Bernadette Daelmans, Medical Officer, Department of Child and Adolescent Health, WHO Download Powerpoint [PDF – 640.45 KB] The Malawi experience managing childhood illness in the community Humphreys Nsona, National IMCI...
Session 124 Equity in RMNCH—what have we learned?
Moderator Betty Kirkwood, Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, LSHTM Presentations Recent findings on equity: results from 38 Countdown countries Ties Boerma, Director, Health Statistics and Informatics, WHO Download Powerpoint [PDF – 411.51 KB] Geographical disparities in RMNCH Wendy J. Graham, Professor of Obstetric Epidemiology, Immpact, School of Medicine...
Session 104 Human resources for maternal, newborn and child health: from global reporting to improved local performance and health outcomes
Moderator Monir Islam, Director, Making Pregnancy Safer, WHO Presentations Overview of the 2010 Countdown findings on human resources opportunities and constraints Neeru Gupta, Demographer, Health Workforce Information and Governance, WHO Download Powerpoint [PDF – 258.43 KB] Using strategic information and investment to improve availability of skilled providers in underserved areas...
2010 Session Reports and Powerpoints
Please find below a report from each session as it becomes available, along with accompanying Powerpoints. Monday, June 7 Session 104 Human resources for maternal, newborn and child health: from global reporting to improved local performance and health outcomes Session 124 Equity in RMNCH—what have we learned? Session 136 Community...
2010 Conference Programme
The following programme outlines the schedule for the Countdown to 2015 at Women Deliver, scheduled for 7-9 June 2010 in Washington, D.C. 2010 Countdown Conference Programme (English) [PDF – 2.24 MB] 2010 Countdown Conference Programme (Spanish) [PDF – 2.3 MB] 2010 Countdown Conference Programme (French) [PDF – 2.28 MB]
Evènements phare du programme 2010
Télécharger l’ordre du jour complet de la conférence ici : English | Español | français Orateur principal : Le nouveau Directeur général de l’UNICEF Le nouveau Directeur général de l’UNICEF, M. Anthony Lake, sera l’orateur principal durant la séance plénière centrale de la conférence du Compte à Rebours vers 2015...
2010 Programme Highlights
en français Download the complete Conference Programme: English | Español | français UNICEF new Executive Director Keynote Speaker The new Executive Director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake, will be the key note speaker at the main Plenary Session of the Countdown to 2015 Conference at Women Deliver 2010. With only five...
Note to 2010 Countdown to 2015 Conference Participants
3 June 2010 The Countdown and Women Deliver conferences will be an incredible gathering of maternal, newborn and child health advocates from around the world. The Countdown Sessions for this 2010 meeting will provide the latest data on coverage trends, financing, equity, policy and health system indicators. Below you will...
Countdown to 2015 at Women Deliver
7-9 June 2010 Washington, D.C., United States of America In 2010, Countdown to 2015 and Women Deliver joined forces in June in Washington to achieve maximum impact: Women Deliver 2010 was a global conference focusing on the theme: Delivering solutions for girls and women. The 2010 Countdown to 2015 – held...
2013 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 28-31 May, 2013Find out more 2012 During 2012, Countdown is presenting its newest findings at events throughout the year, in various venues. Find out more 2010 – Washington DC, USA 7 – 9 June, 2010Find out more 2008 – Cape Town, South Africa 15 – 17...